All say knowledge has no LIMIT
All say learning has no AGE
What if I don’t have FINANCE?
What about the restriction of AGE
Our system takes tests at every step
What if the I fell from the step?
What if if the step is crowded
What if the step is reserved?
Does this mean I don’t deserve it?
Does this mean I am incapable…
Is this society only for the brightest one?
No credit who gives a try to it
No importance to the hard work
Is it only for those who sell himself
Is it only for those bunches of lucky people
Patience has been tested for long
Even it has a limit, cant stretch as a song
All water on fire
Even fire has a time to show its heat
What if only it cries in its own pain
What if it burns in its own heat?
It’s time to give all equal chance..
Steps should be made wider to stop being crowded
Reservation should be banned to help all
All has equal right to live the way they want...
Why to drive along with steering of the society
Steering should be with you…
Give chance for all to show the light
Respect all hard work they do
Not a torch…Luminance is required..
Be BRIGHT.. Spread the light…
good one..... :)